Perpendicular Traits

Here is an explanation for all of the traits in my on-chain generative series Perpendicular. The algorithm features multiple random walkers on a grid with collision avoidance. Once the random walk paths have been calculated, they are drawn in various styles.


A number determining the state of randomness. Generated from the transaction hash upon mint.


The size of the grid cells. Ranges from Large to Tiny.


The colour palette. Some are from Field Trip and Block Party and some are new. Silhouette is the unique one where the lines are black and the background is colourful (below).

Number of Offsets

The number of offsets. Ranges from 1-30. There is a special case (below) where it is randomized per path but the rest of the time it is the same for all paths.

Color Style

Determines the arrangement of colours across the offsets of a path.

Random: a random colour is chosen from the palette for each offset
Random Step: a random colour is chosen and then repeated until a set probability changes it
Solid: all the same colour
Solid Random Skip: all the same colour but there is a random chance of deletion
Solid Random Amount: all the same colour but there is a random number of offsets per path
Alternating: alternates between two colours
Gradient: interpolates between two colours
Sequential: the colours follow the order in which they are written in the palette. It is necessary for the Rainbow 7 palette to be displayed as a rainbow
Solid Dashed: one colour with dashed lines

Straightness Probability

Determines the jaggedness of the random walkers. Left/Right probability are set to 2 and straightness probability ranges from 0 to 15. If it is zero, the walkers are forced to turn every step (below).

Corner Loop Probability

Determines the likelihood of corner loops appearing. 0 means none will be present. Corner loops break the no-visiting-where-it’s-been-before rule for walkers because they have to cross over themselves.

Corner Style

Determines whether corners are straight or round.


The width of each individual offset line. Ranges from 0.5 to 1.


How much of the width of the grid cell the offsets are multiplied by. Ranges from 0.75 to 1. A thickness of 1 and a spread of 1 are necessary to get lines with no gaps between paths (below).


Applies visual distortion to the image of the random walker grid. Only happens when corner style is straight.


Creates a border around the entire random walker grid. Only happens when distortion is 0.

Square Style

Style of any squares leftover after all random walkers have been placed. The large size grid usually only has up to 4 left over spaces, in which case they aren’t drawn.

Small Shapes: little squares, all the same colour
Squares: one size of squares, all the same colour
Random Squares: one size of squares, random colours
Multi-scale Squares: random size of squares, all the same colour
Grid: outlined squares
Connected Grid: outlined squares with adjacent ones connected by a dash
Connectors: only the connecting dash
Random Connectors: only the connecting dash, randomly coloured






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